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Javascript Keywords

Table of Javascript Keywords and Descriptions

Code Description
boolean At one stage it was planned that specific data types would be introduced into the Javascript language. boolean is one the data types that would have been able to be explicitly defined. 
break Terminates execution of a block of code earlier than normal. 
byte At one stage it was planned that specific data types would be introduced into the Javascript language. byte is one the data types that would have been able to be explicitly defined. 
case The case clause within a switch statement specifies one of the values that the switch statement can evaluate to.   
catch The catch statement defines a block of code that will provide special error processing for a specified error if it occurred in the immediately preceding try block
char char is one the data types that would have been able to be explicitly defined. 
continue The continue statement is used within loops to bypass the rest of the code for the current run through the loop. 
default The default clause within a switch statement specifies the statements that are to be run if none of the cases apply. 
delete The delete statement deletes an object that was created using the new statement. 
do The do / while statement specifies a block of code that is to be run multiple times. 
double At one stage it was planned that specific data types would be introduced into the Javascript language. double is one the data types that would have been able to be explicitly defined. 
else The else clause within an if statement specifies code that is to be run when the condition attached to the if statement evaluates to false or zero. 
false Boolean variables can only have one of two values false or true. 
final final is one the data types that would have been able to be explicitly defined. 
finally The finally statement defines a block of code that will always be run after the completion of the preceding try block. 
float float is one the data types that would have been able to be explicitly defined. 
for The for statement specifies a block of code that is to be run multiple times. 
function The function keyword is used to define functions in your program. 
if The if statement specifies a condition and one or two blocks of code. 
in The in clause is used with a for/in statement to identify an object to be processed by the statement. 
instanceof The instanceof statement tests if an object is of a particular type. I
int int is one the data types that would have been able to be explicitly defined. 
long At one stage it was planned that specific data types would be longroduced longo the Javascript language. long is one the data types that would have been able to be explicitly defined. 
new The new statement defines creates a new object. 
null is a special value that all variables are considered to have if they have been defined but have not been assigned a value. 
return The return statement terminates execution of a function and returns the following value as the value of the function. 
short short is one the data types that would have been able to be explicitly defined. 
switch The switch statement specifies a number of cases that a variable can evaluate to and one or more statements to be run if the switch evaluates to a particular case. 
this this is a quick way of referencing the current object. It allows the same code to be reused on multiple objects where the object that is being referenced is determined based on which one currently has the focus.
throw The throw statement creates an error. The statement sets the error condition which can be a any valid variable or object type. 
true Boolean variables can only have one of two values false or true. 
try The try statement defines a block of code that will have special error processing attached to handle any errors that occur during the running of the code in the block.
typeof The typeof statement tests if an object is of a particular type. It evaluates to true if the object is that type and false if it is not. 
var The var statement is used to define a new variable that will be used in later processing. The scope of the variable will be the same as the scope of the block in which it is defined. 
void The void method can be used to stop a value being returned from a function, method, or other code. 
while The while statement specifies a block of code that is to be run multiple times. It will run while either the while condition is met or until a break statement within the do block is run. 
with The with statement allows you to leave the object name off of the front of all of the property and method references within a block of code.